New governance for the Coral Sea Natural Park

28 janvier 2025


Atolls d'Entrecasteaux, mission Tictac (IRD) - (c) Mohsen Kayal, 2024.

Atolls d'Entrecasteaux, mission Tictac (IRD) - (c) Mohsen Kayal, 2024.

The Coral Sea Natural Park, which has been operating for a decade, recently underwent a transformation in its leadership structure. A new ‘advisory committee’ was established by a government decree on November 6, 2024, with its members appointed by the president and the High Commissioner of the French Republic. A call for applications is launched.

As the management plan requires a comprehensive overhaul, the governance structure of the park must undergo a similar transformation. This is crucial since the process of listing the park on the IUCN Green List is about to begin.

Over the past few months, various members of the management committee have consistently discussed and refined the proposed changes to the committee’s functioning and composition during regular meetings and workshops, most notably the initial gathering held in December 2022. In July 2024, a draught amending order was submitted to the management committee and the scientific committee for their opinions. During the 20th meeting of the management committee, on September 12, a dozen proposals were examined. At the end of these discussions, the revised version of the draught decree received a majority favourable opinion from the management committee.

On November 6th, a text was submitted to the government for approval, with the primary objective of revising its composition. This revamp would enhance the participation of long-standing actors and introduce new regional or local partners, thus increasing its international profile. The text also provides a more detailed and up-to-date set of operating rules for the committee, including guidelines for convocation and quorum requirements. To begin, this measure eliminates any potential confusion regarding the committee’s function by emphasising its consultative nature. It is clear that the management of the Park is the sole responsibility of the New Caledonian government.

Celebrating its Cultural Heritage

The name of the Coral Sea Natural Park will now be supplemented with a name in the Kanak language: ‘Né kwié pu mörû’, meaning ‘ocean, origin of life’ in Ajïe. The advisory committee could also be designated by a phrase in the Paicî language, ‘Pucoo a téi’, which can be translated as ‘collective which studies and analyses…’. Two proposals submitted by the representatives of the customary senate received a favourable response from the management committee.

The Redefinition of Colleges

As the management of the natural resources of the EEZ falls exclusively under the jurisdiction of the government, it was proposed to abolish the college of institutions. The provinces may be consulted, at the request of a co-chair of the committee.

The Customary Senate and the Economic, Social and Environmental Council become ex officio members of the Committee, in the same way as the High Commission and the Government. The designation of ‘legal members’ for these organisations solidifies and enhances their influence in this advisory forum. The customs college remains unchanged.

At the request of the members concerned, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) leave the civil society college to form their own college. To enhance the representation of economic activities in the advisory committee, it is proposed to incorporate socio-professional actors, consular chambers, and the maritime cluster into the college. They would join the Nautical Activities union and the Federation of Offshore Fishermen in particular.

Enhanced Regional Integration

A new feature consists of providing a status of ‘associate members’ – with purely consultative voices – ensuring regional and international representation of the countries bordering the Park. Such a provision will notably make it possible to expand the partnership established today with Park Australia, the manager of the Australian Great Barrier Reef Park. A representative of this entity can participate in the committee as an observer (the reciprocal for the SPNMCP within Park Australia has already been acquired).

Modernisation of Governance

Several provisions aim to modernise governance by reducing the term of office of the current management committee from five years to three, by shortening the meeting deadlines, by introducing a proxy mechanism and by specifying the voting methods for adopting opinions.

To strengthen the bonds between colleges and structure their work, it is proposed to elect a president and a vice-president for each college, with a three-year term.

Several provisions respond specifically to requests from the Management Committee and the Scientific Committee. For example, they include approval of meeting minutes, distinguishing between points requiring an opinion or simply providing information, and the possibility of relocating the Management Committee. An individual at the institution who disagrees with the stated viewpoint has up to eight business days to submit a rebuttal, which will then become part of the official record.

Once the members of the advisory committee have been chosen, they must meet at least three times a year. Its first task will be to define the internal regulations of the park, setting out rules for holding debates within the committee. Top priority: creating a new management plan for the Park.


View the amended order here.

Consult the government's decision here.


The Park advisory committee includes four colleges redefined as follows:

  • the customary college, composed of eight members (eight Kanak customary areas);
  • the college of socio-professional actors, composed of eight members;
  • the civil society college, composed of five members;
  • the college of non-governmental organizations, composed of three members.

The members of the colleges are appointed for a period of three years, by joint decision of the High Commissioner of the Republic in New Caledonia and the President of the Government. The latter will also appoint five qualified personalities with regard to their skills in the protection and management of ecosystems, natural and cultural heritage, and marine resources, after consultation with the colleges and the scientific council.

The 24 members of the colleges and the five qualified personalities have deliberative rights.

The advisory committee therefore includes, in total, 29 members appointed for three years, to which are added the four permanent members, the president of the scientific council and the associate members.


The new decree obliges the President of the Government and the High Commissioner of the Republic to soon designate the members of the new advisory committee who will serve for three years. On this occasion, a call for applications is launched to compose the three colleges:

• eight representatives of companies, associations, unions or clusters present in New Caledonia and with economic interests in the Park, to constitute the college of socio-professional actors;

• five local associations for the protection of the environment and/or non-professional users of the Park to constitute the college of civil society:

• three members to constitute the college of non-governmental organizations.

Application files must be sent before November 20, 2024 to with the following documents: cover letter, RIDET, latest activity reports. Associations must also provide: statutes, minutes of the general meeting, current composition of the office, number of members up to date with their contributions and the receipt to the High Commission of the Republic.

View the press release here.