Scientific Campaigns

Regular Missions

Tracking mission with l'Amborella,  David Ugolini, SCO

Tracking mission with l'Amborella, David Ugolini, SCO

 Pristine Mission,  Jean-Michel Boré, IRD

Pristine Mission, Jean-Michel Boré, IRD

The Natural Park of the Coral Sea is a vast protected area housing an exceptional biodiversity as well as still unknown ecosystems which are the subjects of numerous scientific research.  Since 2014, any activity that is scientific in nature or related to the monitoring of the environment must obtain a governmental authorization before proceeding. The government then works in partnership with scientists. This collaboration contributes to enhancing the awareness and the management of the Natural Park.


Latest News

Atolls d'Entrecasteaux, mission Tictac (IRD) - (c) Mohsen Kayal, 2024.
28 January 2025

The Coral Sea Natural Park, which has been operating for a decade, recently underwent a transformation in its leadership structure.

Surveying a reef in the Coral sea Marine Park ©Daniela Ceccarelli
15 May 2019

In April 2018, Parks Australia and James Cook University scientists began a three year program to monitor the health of some of Australia’s remotest and most pristine coral reefs in the Coral Sea Marine Park.

Entrecasteaux îlot Huon ©DAM-NC SPE
15 March 2019
Science environnement




A new five-year action plan for the Entrecasteaux Atolls, linked to the 2018-2022 natural park of the Coral sea management plan, replaces the existing management plan which concluded at the end of 2018.