The Advisory Committee

On November 6, 2024, a decade after its establishment, the leadership structure and operations of the Coral Sea National Park’s governing board underwent significant changes (as outlined here).

The new advisory committee is called ‘Pucoo a téi’, in the Paicî language, which can be translated as ‘collective, which studies, analyses’.

This advisory committee contributes, through its opinions, to the management of the Coral Sea Natural Park, which is subject to the decisions of New Caledonia.

The decisions of the government of New Caledonia are implemented by its Coral Sea Natural Park and Fisheries service, which is responsible for managing the Park and serving as the secretariat of the advisory committee.

Composition of the Advisory Committee

Permanent members

The French State, the government of New Caledonia, the customary senate and the economic, social and environmental council of New Caledonia are ex officio members of the committee.

The High Commissioner of the Republic and the President of the Government co-chair the advisory committee and jointly designate the members of the colleges, qualified personalities and associate members.

Members appointed for 3 years

The Coral Sea Natural Park Advisory Committee has 24 members, spread across four colleges, and 5 qualified personalities, making 29 seats in total, appointed for three years.

Four colleges

  • the customary college, made up of eight members: presidents of customary areas;
  • the college of socio-professional actors, composed of eight members: representatives of companies, associations, unions or clusters present in New Caledonia and having economic interests in the Park;
  • the civil society college, made up of five members: local associations for environmental protection and/or non-professional users of the Park;
  • the college of non-governmental organisations, composed of three members.

The 24 members of the colleges are appointed for a period of three years, by joint decision of the High Commissioner of the French Republic in New Caledonia and the President of the New Caledonian Government.

The members of the colleges have a deliberative voice.

Five qualified personalities

These are personalities designated by joint decision of the High Commissioner and the President of the Government, with regard to their skills in the protection and management of ecosystems, natural and cultural heritage, and marine resources, after consultation with the colleges and the scientific council.

These qualified personalities have a deliberative voice.

The president of the scientific council

The person chairing the scientific council of the Coral Sea Natural Park participates in the work of the advisory committee.

The voice of the president of the scientific council or his representative is consultative.

Associate members

Associate members ensure regional or international representation. They are appointed for three years by joint decision of the high commissioner and the president of the government.

These associated personalities have a consultative voice.

Sterna nereis & black neck sterna, Pierre Bachy, SCO

Sterna nereis & black neck sterna, Pierre Bachy, SCO

The Functioning of the Advisory Committee

The Advisory Committee is responsible for issuing opinions on the management of the Coral Sea Natural Park, as well as on the development and implementation of the new management plan, its evaluation and any subject related to the sustainable management of the Park.

In order to strengthen cohesion within the colleges and to structure their work, each college elects a chairman and, to deputise for him or her in case of absence, a vice-chairman. The Chairmen of the Colleges are responsible for gathering the expectations and opinions of the members of their Colleges. They are involved in setting the agenda for meetings. Their term of office is set at three years.

Once its members have been appointed, the advisory committee meets at least three times a year. One of its first tasks is to draw up the Park’s rules of procedure, in particular to lay down rules of good conduct for debates within the committee.

The Advisory Committee’s opinions are reached, as far as possible, by consensus or, where appropriate, by a simple majority. Its meetings are not open to the public.

A number of provisions governing the new advisory committee are designed to modernise governance by reducing the term of office of the former management committee from five to three years, increasing the time allowed for convening meetings, introducing a proxy mechanism and specifying the voting procedures for adopting opinions.

Other provisions respond specifically to requests from members of the former Management Committee and Scientific Committee concerning, for example, the approval of meeting minutes, the distinction in the agenda between items requiring an opinion or simple information, the possibility of relocating the Management Committee, etc. Any member of the College who disagrees with the opinion issued may, within a maximum of eight clear days of the opinion being issued, submit a reasoned opinion to the contrary, which is appended to the opinion.

Consult the consolidated order here.

First Committee Members

At first, the management committee members were elected for 5 years following a joint decision from France’s High Commissioner in New Caledonia and the Government’s President who co-preside the committee. To better grasp the issues facing the Natural Park, members were split into colleges (groups of stakeholders) informed and educated. Operating procedures were then adopted to facilitate transparency and efficiency. The four first colleges were :

  • Institutions : France’s High Commissioner, The President of Government of New Caledonia, The President of the Congress of New Caledonia, The President of the Loyalty Islands’ Province, The President of the North Province, The President of the South Province, The President of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council.
  • Customary Authorities: The President of the Customary Area Ajië Aro, The President of the Customary Area  Drehu, The President of the Customary Area  Drubea Kapumë, The President of the Customary Area  Hoot Ma Waap, The President of the Customary Area  laai, The President of the Customary Area Nengoné, The President of the Customary Area  Paicî Cèmuhi, The President of the Customary Area  Xârâcùù.
  • socio-professional Stakeholders   :The President of the Maritime Union, The Manager of SAS Sudiles, The General Manager of Total Pacific, The President of the Mining industries Union, The President of the Confederation of Professional Fishermen , The President of the Deep-Sea Fishermen Federation, The President of the Nautical and Touristic activities Union, The Manager of Kenua Agency.
  • Civil Society Stakeholders : The President of the association Action Biosphere, The President of the Association for the Safeguard of  New Caledonian Nature, The Director of the New Caledonia International Conservation Program ,The President of the association Living Coral-Land of Men, The President of the Association Together for the Planet, The manager of the Global Ocean Legacy-The Pew Charitable Trusts program in New Caledonia, The President of the Caledonian Ornithology Society, The Manager of the New Caledonian branch of  WWF France.
 The 4th Management Committee of the Coral Sea Natural Park was held on 20 December at the Government, DAM SPE

The 4th Management Committee of the Coral Sea Natural Park was held on 20 December at the Government, DAM SPE

Fourth Management Committee, december 2016, DAM SPE

Fourth Management Committee, december 2016, DAM SPE

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