
Strict regulations exist since 14 août 2018 to enter all nature reserves. 



You are a boater and you are planning to enter a protected marine area

Before e-mailing .



En visite dans le parc à bord d'un catamaran, DAM,SPE

Visiting the park aboard a catamaran, DAM SPE


You are a professional who intends to develop fishing activities in the Natural Park of the Coral Sea.

Because such activity is regulated and monitored, you must obtain a fishing license, only delivered to local longliners, by the Government of New Caledonia.


To obtain or renew your fishing license,follow the administrative procedure detailed on the Department of Maritime Affair's website.

L’équipage d’un navire compte en moyenne 6 marins, DAM/SPE

The typical crew is usuallycomoosed of 6 seafarer, DAM SPE

Navire Vaillant Vessel, longline fishing is carried out at several, DAM/SPE

Navire Vaillant Vessel, longline fishing is carried out at several, DAM SPE


All scientific activities conducted within the Natural Park of the Coral Sea are subject to authorization from the Government of New Caledonia. The authorization request file must present the mission, outline its objectives and its benefits for the Natural Park, its dates as well as its itinerary or the location studied. If   applicable, the file must also include an impact study of the activities to be undertaken.

The authorization should be e-mailed to at least 5 months before the mission is due to start..

Navire Atalante de l'IFREMER, DAM SPE

Atalante ship of IFREMER, DAM SPE

Latest News

Atolls d'Entrecasteaux, mission Tictac (IRD) - (c) Mohsen Kayal, 2024.
28 January 2025

The Coral Sea Natural Park, which has been operating for a decade, recently underwent a transformation in its leadership structure.

Surveying a reef in the Coral sea Marine Park ©Daniela Ceccarelli
15 May 2019

In April 2018, Parks Australia and James Cook University scientists began a three year program to monitor the health of some of Australia’s remotest and most pristine coral reefs in the Coral Sea Marine Park.

Entrecasteaux îlot Huon ©DAM-NC SPE
15 March 2019
Science environnement




A new five-year action plan for the Entrecasteaux Atolls, linked to the 2018-2022 natural park of the Coral sea management plan, replaces the existing management plan which concluded at the end of 2018.