The 2016 Annual report is on line !
16 January 2018

The activities conducted in 2016 are to discover in a report of twenty pages, richly illustrated. You can to see at a glance, and for each party, the related objectives of the Management Plan.
By clicking on the digital version below, you will learn more about the Management of Entrecasteaux, the first nature reserve, and the work done to better understand the cultural dimension of the Park. You follow the observers program for the longline fishing and learn about the Kanacono deep-sea campaign….
The collaborative writing of the management plan and the preparation of the contribution of the general public, without forgetting the treatment of the issue of blue boats are also explained; as well as regional dynamics (visit of a delegation of the Cook Islands, acoustic network for the monitoring of sharks, or creation of mapping explorers for the humpback whales and green turtles’ movements).
Good reading for all of you